a piled-up mass of empires, glamorous luxury, massacres, conquests, strongholds of vainglory destroyed by earthquakes, a labyrinth of races and beliefs, lust for possession, destruction and contrariness, tombs, tombs, tombs… all these combine to form an inextricable amphitheatre of boxes and chandeliers where dead centuries pile up in front of a proscenium of water.
-jean cocteau
it is by expectation that we design our own unhappiness.
economics - it is naive to expect projects which are funded by governments not to be politicised inasmuch as commercial projects carry a self-serving agenda.
urban project (put city’s name here) for (put date here)
our paradigms for urban design have largely been shaped by a legacy of well meaning individuals with similar ideals of happiness; security, service delivery, social infrastructure etc. all systems lubricated by a thin stream of homogeneousness; another machine for living, another life for a machine.
learn the secret power to create monuments and mausoleums - apply here