fantasy is central to venice, the city is built and thrives on the idea of it. through generations the codognato’s have expressed their love and interest in art and archeology through their jewelry. the store in san marco, located in the original spot where it opened in 1866 is a veritable treasure trove of fantastical creations featuring their signature snake and blackamoor motifs. the current heir and owner inherited a legacy of venetian jewelry making that has prevailed through times and tastes with their richly decorated designs. some of the works are like talismans of time; laden with tradition and superstition alike, while other’s are re-inventions of byzantine and etruscan treasures, skillfully executed with significant charm. the near cult-like following of fashionistas and glitterati is a potent reminder of venice’s cultural importance and is still reflected today in the collection of these unique pieces that chanel, diana vreeland and liz taylor all shared. attilio codognati continues to produce these inspiring pieces which i am particularly fond of, especially the remarkable ‘momento mori’ rings that epitomize the the thrilling drama of the past and venice’s conquest of the world’s cognoscenti…
At once provocative and profound … iconoclastically out of time while effortlessly relevant.