i would never dispute the talents of box-cutter, illustrator, artist kyle bean. his manipulation of everyday objects and everyday ideas is commendable. it is however exactly that which triggered my memory of wilde’s ‘an idea that is not dangerous is unworthy of being called an idea at all’. especially in the light of the objects made for the soft guerilla piece in cut magazine… the rendition of dangerous weaponry in harmless mediums like jelly or bread is not nearly unique and my son has many weapons in plastic, wood and foam… but i’m focussing on ideas rather than inventions. the birth of ideas is hidden somewhere in their own meta-history, but their power is undeniable even if they are subliminal. conventional methodology dictates a narrow cause-and-effect theory, but i have to agree with felipe fernández-armesto in that the origin of most are part of an unchangeably older origin. it’s a super-wild-card statement that would probably be challenged with any ‘what about this or that?’. the principle according to mr fernández-armesto is irrefutable however… ‘it is humbling for modern people to acknowledge how much of their thinking was anticipated so long ago and how little modernity has added to our basic intellectual equipment.‘