Homo Consommatus

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In the White

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Simply Scary

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Me Me Medeiros

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For-Birden Food

so after reading this piece of culinary history, i thought again about the strange preperation method, the even stranger ritual of consuming it and the ultimate pariah of enjoying it… l’ortolan.

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Big in Bauhaus

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The Look of Woman

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Anatomical Animation

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One Woman Hair Show

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Design Economics

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The Attraction of Strange

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Talent Tavern

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Fashion Flashback

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Comtesse de Ribes

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Casa Corallo

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Litter Bug

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New Broom

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Y & K

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The Uncontrolled Muscle

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Hotel Hipster

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Super Fabjanski

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Extra Extramuros

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Image Un-Possible

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Fashion Fonted…

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Tom of France

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Queerer & Queerer

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In Gloria of Historia…

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Stupidity & Sensitivity

Since it’s nearly impossible to gauge each individual’s level of sensitivity or stupidity, I’d rather play it safe and classify this site as suitable for adults only. Although that term is still nebulous to me, the responsibility remains that of the viewer.

Curating & Criticism

The identification and definition of creativity are two different things. Challenging conventional interpretations and perspectives expands its validity and effect. I am convinced that collaborations and participation across creative industries allow for discovering a greater realisation of our potential.

Art & Collecting

I love mixing styles and textures, media and materials. But I believe in respecting personality when it comes to choosing work. There is of course the investment angle which is too boring to discuss here….or anywhere really. It is important to remember that when you live with art, it should be alive to you. That is to say it needs to move you. You need to have an affair with it.

Fashion & Architecture

Starting with the roof over your head and the clothes on your back. These are the things we inhabit. Without entering into the fashion vs trend debate. They also shape our sensibilities and the way we present ourselves.

Design & Function

Whether colour or form is your thing. Pattern or plain. What we choose to live with can make our lives easier or more challenging. Consider your commitment and convince yourself.

Gardens & Flowers

Since Eden it has been a fascination, inspiration, an indulgence of kings and common gardeners, a joy. No home is complete without it. Whether you go for potted, landscaped or organic, dry or shade, just go for it.

Treasures & Trash

Most of which are filed under S for sentimental. I respect that.
Heirlooms. Bargains. Souvenirs. Gifts. Curiosities. Found Objects. Impulse Buys.
Never hide what’s important or meaningful. Denial is a very ugly word.

History & Reality

Get to know yourself and others. As much as we live in the same world, everyone has their own version of it. Live up to yours, never fear your dreams and ideals lest they remain aspirations forever.