ruan hoffmann’s ceramic work has been described as ranging from political and provocative pottery to poetry on a plate. he has been actively working in ceramics for more than 20 years and while he specifically points out that his relationship with ceramics is not one of technical mastery but rather with the accidental nuances derived from the process, his mis-shaped plates contain images, words and decorations that seem to strike a chord and dis-chord with followers the world over; from their poignant wording to their painterly images, they remain the culmination of his daily awarenesses. his work on tiles have long since been about the same although they present a curious personalised diary of experience in quite a different manner; as one off pieces they are extremely decorative, but as a collection they become a narrative that intensifies the experience of the work; developing a personal connection more than their individually touching exclamations.
his desirable plates have been recently been exhibited with great success at anthropologie rockefeller plaza, new york and kings road, london in the show much love me. he has had numerous other public exhibitions from which his skillfully painted ceramic artworks; plates, tiles and vases has peaked important interest and have subsequently become highly collectable. although he has done a few collaborative exercises with other artist in different media, he has now collaborated with a reputed american tile manufacturer tilevera. the range of remarkable tiles being produced brings the artist’s unique ceramic creations into a functional reality through their collaboration as clé tiles aptly called entrapercevoir ; a fleeting glimpse, the fragility of clay and the curated artistry of the images come together in this celebrated limited edition.