multi disciplinary designer paulo caliari dubbed this outfit bachelor contempo. a new pad built for some youngster directly above his family’s residence. built in the historic part of milan caliari discarded previous concepts of bachelor apartment to create a fun and utilitarian living unit with modern technologies for the now spirit of the 70’s. the most unique feature is certainly the cylindrical invention mr caliari refers to as the metallus; housing the refrigerated bar unit and television. electronically remote controlled the living room unit lowers from the ceiling while the one in the bedroom swivels open and shut. passages and storage walls are lacquered in a metallic silver and moulded fiberglass is used for furnishings. wells in the cocktail table top can be used for ice buckets, bottles even flowers or magazines, the stereo center is housed between the curved sofas and the grillework houses the speakers and heating system throughout the apartment. moveable area lighting contributes to the porn-like orange and red mood of this hideout, i mean what else would you do in a room with such a large metallus?
AD 9/70