after speaking to a collegue in amsterdam, i suddenly realised how time has flown and that winter is upon us here on the highveld in South Africa. it will usher in a bleached out landscape with a smoggy layer of toxicness. not that i wish to be spending winters in europe though. imagine my relief then when i saw these compact designs for urban jardino’s, patio’s and balconies from joe paine. these are neat enough to stand on their own. ideal for busy fashion forward bachelors whose schedule doesn’t allow for watering, mulching or bird feeding. wall mount, suspended or freestanding they can be had in several colours.
i spoke to the designer of these stylish numbers; his design echoes the concerns of many urban dwellers - space, functionality and form. no wonder then that it was nominated for the mboisa (most beautiful object in south africa) award at design indaba 2012.
for those springing into spring; live and let live, and for us about to decline into winter; it also comes in black.